Just Casino Reviews: Terms and Conditions of use
This web site is here to help you to find the most suitable online casino and to give you features that you might find fun and useful. However, like all businesses we need to cover ourselves in case problems do occur.
Please read the following and make sure that you are happy with what it says. If you disagree with anything that is mentioned below do not use this web site. By using this site you are agreeing to abide with these Terms and Conditions of use.
Remember that whether you are gambling online or offline, you can lose money as well as winning it. It sounds obvious but its true.
Only ever gamble with money that you can afford to lose. If you can't afford to lose the money do not gamble with it.
While we make every possible effort to keep this site up to date with all information and will never knowingly mislead you, you should always check the information you find here with the casino, shop or site mentioned.
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Sorry about this folks, but we have to make sure that you're clear on what the situation is. Have fun and welcome to Just Casino Reviews!